Spotlight on Lydia Jones | San Antonio's BEST Senior Portraits

This is beautiful, smart Reagan High School senior Lydia!  She plays both school and club soccer, and has played for 12 years.  Lets check out her images and get to know her just a bit...


Leah:  What would you say your biggest accomplishment in high school has been?

Lydia:  Going to the state tournament for soccer, that was such a fun experience!


Leah:  What are your plans after Graduation?

Lydia:  My plans are to attend college, I'm stuck on either Texas Tech or going to UTSA then transferring to UT after a year.


Leah:  Where do you call "home?"

Lydia:  Home is where my family is, as a military family I've never had a designated "home" and for that reason my family and I are extremely close. Wherever they are is where my home is.


Leah:  Who would you love to meet?

Lydia:  harry styles duh!


Leah:  What was your favorite thing about your session with me?

Lydia:  Your killer eye! You know what looks good and make sure it gets done.


Sessions are now being scheduled for Spring of 2017.   Click HERE to find out how to book the best senior portrait experience in San Antonio.

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